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How I Managed To Do More and Be More. Usually, some people think that women are not as comfortable with technology as men but that was never true.
Monday, October 6, 2014. I was holding my birthday cake from Purple Oven. Yum! Links to this post.
Where social climbing is forgiven and rewarded. Tuesday, September 25, 2012. Interactive Wonders of the Internet. Is still evolving and soon enough, just watching a video will be as obsolete as using a floppy disk. By that time, we could probably play Xbox Kinect or Wii U games on our computers with it.
Preparando la reapertura de una Memeteca totalmente renovada.
Olá galera, depois de quase 2 semanas desde a criação do Blog obtive poucos visitantes. entre esse e outros motivos estarei desativando o Blog. Fiquem a vontade para ler todo o material já postado, e talvez algum dia eu volte com outro Blog! Obrigado a todos que sempre lêem o Blog e todos os que ja visitaram.
Your browser does not support the video tag. Es importante calentar antes de empezar. Your browser does not support the video tag. Your browser does not support the video tag. Vale, pero no voy a parar de jugar.
Cultural Heritage and the Digital Economy. Please take this very short survey. The problem with doing a PhD part-time is that trends change more quickly than my research. I thought I was done with Staiff.
Martes, 25 de noviembre de 2008. Hemen aktina-GFPz transfektatutako neurona baten hazkunde konoa ageri da. Transfekzioak zelularen aktin zitoeskeletoa fluoreszente bilakatzen du eta honen mugimendu azkarra jarrai daiteke fluoreszentziazko bideomikroskopiaz. Martes, 18 de noviembre de 2008. MEdikuntza ta Odontologia fakultaterako MEdiaTEKA. Hemen aktina-GFPz transfektatutako neurona baten.