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Quick lentil salad with Bacon. With our kitchen cabinets almost empty, Kris and I, not feeling in the mood for grocery shopping, I threw together this quick salad in a couple of minutes. Swimming, eating good food, and drinking fantastic South African white wines, for a couple of weeks, it was pure bliss.
From around the Mediterranean Sea! FOR DAILY SPECIALS VISIT US ON FACEBOOK. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Joomla SEF URLs by Artio.
WELCOME! So many doors, which one will you choose. Posted 2 days ago with 11,142 notes. The only comic appropriate for today. I was just thinking this was a heck of a holiday overlap. Posted 4 days ago with 89,852 notes. Posted 4 days ago with 254 notes. Posted 4 days ago with 2,129 notes.
5 de maio de 2014. Palavras soltas ao amor da minha vida. Por muitas vezes, pensei que nunca te encontraria. Veja bem, o amor sempre me pareceu prático. Não é de costume pensar no oposto, no que dá trabalho, entende? Algo que precise ser construído, porque não, com algumas noites de choro e agonia pelo medo da não reciprocidade.
Information Security Consultant, Developer, Sith Lord and Human being. I like to build cool projects that make an impact. Python, PHP, Javascript, Ruby, Java and C. Travel, FLOSS, microbrews, low budget movies and Rugby. Or also you can reach me using the links in the menu bar. An online map to search, find and mark wheelchair-accessible places. Lista Hũ is a project that aims to create a crowdsourced database of sms spammers and blackmailers, so the numbers can be blocked in the future.