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May and I bought our house in Stirling in 1976. It was built in 1830 and the original garden was on three rather awkward levels. The person we bought it from had found it hard to sell the property and had hit on a wonderful idea. He bulldozed the old wash-house into the garden and levelled it with slag from nearby coal fired power stations. The idea was to make the house into an office and create a car park out of the garden.
The garden will alway have quite a few lilies on the top level beds during the start of summer, some in pots some in the ground.
At various times of the year there are poppies everywhere in the garden, but especially in the middle and bottom areas. May has even managed several different types of Mecanopsis although the garden soil is not really suitable for this species. The photographs include Papaver Orientalis, Californian Poppy, Snow Poppy, Mecanopsis Blue, Mecanopsis Napaulensis,and Welsh Poppy.
The photos include Aquilegia, Centaurea, Pansies, Sweet Peas, Bluebells, Campanula persificifolia Primula vialii, Crocus, Himalayan Honeysuckle and Campanula glomerata.
Actually most are either pink or even orange. Quite a few of them though which is curious as May has always found it difficult to integrate red with her more usual blue, purple and white flowers. The photos include Nasturtiums, Hydrangeas, Fritillaria imperialis, Fritillaria meleagris, Astrantia rosea, Sweet Peas and Japanese Anemone.