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Jc, me and gracie makes three. Sunday, February 20, 2011. Grace loves helping dad with whatever work he has to do. This weekend it was finishing our bathroom and folding laundry. Amber, John and Grace. Karine and Tom in Honduras. Kristin, Peter and Samuel. Matt, Sarah, Kaylin and Shane Zomboracz.
Sunday, June 24, 2012. Seems like a repeat from last Christmas only a different car and driver, different season, but just as much fun to watch. Jeep pulling Jeep out! Singing and dancing in the mud. The cheering crowd relaxing on the couch mobile. Audra getting squirted by Shane. Monday, June 11, 2012. The last weekend of April w.
Sunday, November 13, 2011. Friday, November 11, 2011. Trying out the new Blogger App. Maybe this will get me to start keeping up with my blog now that I found an app that makes it super simple to post. Friday, August 19, 2011.
We decided to create a blog so our friends and family back in the Midwest can keep up with our new Southern life! Monday, January 31, 2011. Looking in a log cabin the first settlers in the back country would have made before they built the real house. Had to put this picture in. Sookie has a dolly hat on. Kids running to Daddy wanting to see the Gin House. Eddie trying to make friends with the chick. Notice Sophia trying to hide. The Chickens were chasing after the kids.
Musta ruudu metamorfoosid-Malevitši tõlgendused Eesti kunstis. Maalikunstnik, kunstiteoreetik ja geomeetriline abstraktsionist. Kes oma stiili nimetas suprematismiks. Antud näitus valmistas mulle palju segadust. Päris keeruline oli enda jaoks näitusel olnud teoseid lahti mõtestada. On pime käik ja on valgustatud käik. Aga väga vist vahet ei ole, sest lõpp on ikka täpselt ühtemoodi must. Igal ühel on oma viis vastuseni jõudmiseks.
Monday, June 6, 2011. Wow I almost forgot I even had this thing! So much has happened since my last post. Time has went so fast, I am amazed I will be a senior in college this year! Wearing my bikini, and dancing on the beach with those people. Boy did God change my thinking on that one! I hope God can use my heart for these women in some way. What is the right interpretation of the Bible? I want to a.
Maalidel olevad värvid peegeldasid helisid ja muusikat. Kunstivooluna jääb abstraktsionism kestma, kuna ta olemuse avarus ja sügavus on hõlmamatu. Ta on lahtimõtestatav ja samas haaramatu. Abstraktses maalis on ka oma jutustus ja lugu. Mida tundesügavam, seda väljendusjõulisem.
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