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March 19, 2009 in Uncategorized. Originally uploaded by Timo Kirkkala. Hupu, Tupu, Lupu. March 19, 2009 in Uncategorized. Helsinki hides some birds inside shops too. March 19, 2009 in Uncategorized. March 19, 2009 in Uncategorized. March 19, 2009 in Uncategorized.
Essays, observations and thoughts related to my new media studies. Task 7 My perception of interactivity. The sweet dream of intuitive interpretation of interactivity I had before reading those articles seems to be disrupted by first Jensen and then Kiousis. They both introduced the complexity of the subject in their papers we read during past weeks and eventually summarized in our previous blog posts.
Pārbaudes darbu un pasākumu grafiks. Pārbaudes darbu un pasākumu grafiks. olimpiādē! Mārdadzīši apguvuši 20 deju soļus.
Mārupes Mūzikas un mākslas skola. Atbalsts izglītības ieguvei privātajās iestādēs. Projekts Nodarbināto personu profesionālās kompetences pilnveide. Vidējās paaudzes deju kolektīvs Mārupieši.