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Margella also specialises in supporting people with cancer using acupuncture, herbal medicine and dietary and lifestyle coaching. She is passionate about helping individuals of all ages reverse the process of ageing and degeneration, to resolve the root causes of disorders they may have and to help them restore balance and wellbeing.
JEUDI le 19 mai 2011 à 17h30. À pique-niquer sur le Mont Arthabaska. On se donne rendez-vous sur la terrasse du bar du Mont.
Как я проехал 100 км за день один на горном велосипеде. После пятилетнего перерыва, решил написать об основной причине.
De azi inainte, toata activitatea artistica si nu numai s-a mutat pe blogul RaLu Atelier. Pauza de creatie a fost lunga. Intre timp Marge s-a maturizat, si-a facut o familie si are acum un baietel de un an. Pasiunea pentru bijuterii inca n-a disparut, ba chiar dimpotriva, s-a cizelat si a evoluat. De ceva vreme am un job nou, care imi place foarte mult.