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Fun, wild and dangerous! Sunday, June 24, 2012. Waktu gw kecil, gw inget banget kalau gw cmn punya kaos untuk baju sehari-hari dan baju keluar. Walau sempet punya kemeja dan kaos polo, gw alergi pakenya. Kalau urusan sepatu, satu-satunya sepatu gw adalah sepatu item butut yang dipake setiap hari alias sepatu sekolah. Karena gw ga pernah tertarik untuk membeli sepatu.
Yet God has made everything beautiful for its own time. Sunday, March 25, 2018. This is not ranting or complaining. Those who know me well know that I like to make this kind trivial observation. And i have long made peace with the way the world works.
Cinta apakah itu indah? 2 had their say have yours? June 22, 2008. Tetapi setelah 3 tahun pernikahan sepupu saya tersebut akhirnya dia cerai juga dengan suaminya dan mereka bercerai lagi-lagi karena masalah financial. Menurut saya cinta itu membuat otak menjadi tidak berfikir jernih, bila cinta tidak dibarengi dengan berfikir logis dan realistis untuk membuatnya selalu abadi, langgeng, dan sejahtera.
Searching Your Destiny Upon a Child You favor I walk a journey Through Your love I surrender. Saturday, May 3, 2014. Simply because you always feel that a black top and white bottom works double the charm of the opposite. later on you found out you were all right all along. So off to the crowded MRT you go. Drowned in world of bie-phone 5S adventure.
Saturday, July 14, 2012. I think i have dispersed short hair syndrome to my younger sister. she just cut her hair short today. Kanpei BOB CHICS! Friday, July 13, 2012. One thing extraordinary thing that i did to myself these months that hovered in a blink,.
My Life, My Very Own Journey. I love everything with greentea, chocolate, caramel, and vanilla flavor. I love picture taking and any kind of records coz they can take me back to time. Whats so wrong with that? Sometimes im a million colors, sometimes im black and white. Whats wrong with falling down? View my complete profile. Sunday, May 9, 2010. Friday, February 26, 2010. Gila ga kerasa dah di tahun 2010. udah mau mid year! Smoga kita.
Thursday, March 26, 2009. Wkt bangun spt gk ad semangat baru. Spt masih menjalani hari kemarin. Gw hrs ngapain yah kl begini. Kmrn d fa mega sharing tentang emosi yg negatif. Katanya sih membuat kesehatan memburuk. Apa kesehatan gw memburuk krn ini yah? Ato krn kurang tdr? Jd menulis hal2 yg tdk perlu. Friday, March 13, 2009. It should not be like this. Sunday, March 8, 2009. Y, kl gw ingat2 lg yah kejadian thn lalu.
As mr Jack Black always says. wohooooooooo! Saturday, June 21, 2008. kangen mamamamama! I miss my mom so badly. maklum belom beli calling card. I really enjoyed it! .
Saturday, July 14, 2012. I think i have dispersed short hair syndrome to my younger sister. she just cut her hair short today. Kanpei BOB CHICS! Friday, July 13, 2012. One thing extraordinary thing that i did to myself these months that hovered in a blink,.
My Life, My Very Own Journey. I love everything with greentea, chocolate, caramel, and vanilla flavor. I love picture taking and any kind of records coz they can take me back to time. Whats so wrong with that? Sometimes im a million colors, sometimes im black and white. Whats wrong with falling down? View my complete profile. Sunday, May 9, 2010. Friday, February 26, 2010. Gila ga kerasa dah di tahun 2010. udah mau mid year! Smoga kita.
What is seen; prospect, scene, etc. inspection by the eye or mind. Getting home earlier from work. Another H-1 to My 26th Birthday. Wednesday, 26 March 2014. Just a warm up to write something here. Monday, 21 October 2013. Demi jd bridesmaid 3 undangan.
Cherish Life, Laugh Insanely, Love Truly! Thursday, August 13, 2015. Yesterday and today she does not want to eat anything. once she gets to eat something, she would then vomit. too much food also upset, after food do some physical exercise also upset. i dun wan that red red thing. in my food! She is almost 5yo! .
Группа Градусы обладатели премии Золотой Граммофон, победители премии Муз-ТВ, авторы многих хитов. Народная премия Золотой Граммофон, Песня Года, 20 Лучших Песен, World Fashion Awards, Певица Года! Основной сферой деятельности СорокаМьюзик является поиск и продюсирование молодых, но очень талантливых артистов и музыкантов Подробнее.