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Saturday, March 17, 2018. Uniform return is past due, those that have not returned uniforms need to give them to Erynn or Madison. If the uniform has not been returned by Sunday, billing will ensue as well as notifying appropriate spring coaches. Any skis that need to be returned should be this week. Any skis that need a little wax remover to finish cleanup, we have some now. Message Coach Magnan for shop availability and he will make sure you have opportunity. Carol Van Dyke and I a.
Lunes, 12 de enero de 2009. Domingo, 11 de enero de 2009. NOLA TRANSMITITU ETA ERAKUTSI BALOREAK GURE SEMEEI. Gure familian sortzen ditugun konportamentu ereduak dira gure semeen bizitzarako eta jokaerarako baldintza gogorrenak. Gure semeen hazkuntza eta hezkuntza da edozein pertsonak burutu ahal izango duen zereginik garrantzitsuena. Gehienak esperientziaren bitartez eta gure gurasoen ispiluan begiratuz ikasten dugu gurasoak nola izan.
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Friday, March 19, 2010.