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Fixandet av snitsigare bloggdesign får vänta tills senare. För att få in alla mina inlägg från den gamla till den nya bloggen, så måste man kopiera alla inlägg en och en, och det är helt ohållbart, så jag har bara flyttar över inläggen från 2010.
Thursday, February 5, 2009. I just wanted to remind those of you who are subscribed to this blog through bloglines, that Category Stories has moved - over to www. Tuesday, December 9, 2008. and our new home so update your linkaroonies kids! Monday, December 1, 2008.
This is a groovy little magical place that I can be myself and show things that I love and People that I adore and treasure! 6th Blythe Doll Arrival! Today I recieved my girlie at the front doorstep from the postie man. I think she maybe my last blythe girl that I buy. well at least for this year! Hahah She is a Night flower Blythe made in 2002 and I adpoted her from Carol on Flickr.
Terça-feira, junho 21, 2011. Quinta-feira, maio 05, 2011. Quarta-feira, maio 04, 2011. Terça-feira, maio 03, 2011. Não falei que eu voltava. hihihihihihih! Quem adivinha de quem são essas quatro taças, heim, heim, heim? Links para esta postagem. Segunda-feira, maio 02, 2011.
Um blog com idéias criativas e coloridas! Domingo, agosto 15, 2010. No fim, tu hás de vês que as coisas mais leves são as. Únicas que o tempo não conseguiu levar. Sábado, setembro 05, 2009. Domingo, é o último dia da exposição. Já estou cheia de saudades desse cantinho e em clima de despedida.
Quinta-feira, 19 de abril de 2012. Quarta-feira, 13 de outubro de 2010. A liberdade não tem qualquer valor se não inclui a liberdade de errar.
Look at this cool stuff! Wow, this stuff is amazing, just imagine what you can make of this. And those flowers are so yummy. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU! Today Boaz is ONE year old! Where did one year go. Today was the first day that I am really feeling better after my surgery, although my heart sometimes goes a little crazy, at least so it feels, now I am not so afraid anymore, and much more relaxed.
Text o bild från mitt liv som mamma till Jakob. Den här layouten har jag skapat efter en skiss hos Scrapaddicted. Och som en test på en av Scrapmarans utmaningar i morgon. Nu, sent om sides, skall jag gå och packa scrapväskan inför morgondagen. Jobbar med förberedelserna för Scrapmara. Skall bli såå skoj! .
Fick ett ryck så första dagen på semestern. Scrappa lite är ju aldrig fel. Hittade en utmaning hos Once Upon A. Hoppas nu bara att jag gjort allt rätt. Rosso i dagens lunch påsen. Som någon skrev på FB. Nu är det dags för Scrapfriends utmaning för maj.
Weight Loss Center - Your Online Diet. Thursday, 23 February 2012. To a new blog space. You can find it here. Thursday, 15 December 2011. The photo I did not take. I love this image! Its from a recent shoot with a lovely little family of 3. Better late than never right? The evening of .
More than 20 years expertise. In luxurious contemporary design for household furniture,. Enjoy a New Liftstyle in Your Home. Keep up to date with our latest stories. 9742; 603 8023 0662. 9742; 603 8023 0663. 128224; 603 8023 0668. PROJECT, WHOLESALE and RETAIL INQUIRY. No 6 and 7, 11 and 12,.
Miércoles, 16 de julio de 2008. El día Miércoles 16 de julio se llevó a cabo la primera entrevista por Videocast. En el blog Nuestro Pasado Extraterrestre,. Nuestro invitado fue, Ilich Martinez, LuzInka, quien nos habló de su experiencia y su mensaje, acompáñanos a recordar aquella maravillosa tarde. No dejes de oir el mensaje del tema compuesto por Luzinka.
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Kareta z piernika - spotkanie DKK dla Dzieci. Potkanie Dyskusyjnego Klubu Książki dla Dzieci. Było słodkie , ponieważ omawialiśmy książkę Wandy Chotomskiej. Centrum Integracji Społecznej w Luzinie.
Serdecznie Witamy! Ostatni numer Gminnego Biuletynu Informacyjnego Luzino,. Nasza gmina znajduje się w Województwie Pomorskim, na Kaszubach. Jest dla nas najdroższym kawałkiem Polski. Pytania dotyczące gminy prosimy kierować do wójta Jarosława Wejera. Lub przewodniczącego Rady Gminy Bartłomieja Formeli.