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Izbirni predmeti v šolskem letu 2013-2014. Pravilnik o dodelitvi priznanj Osnovne Šole Šiška. Pravilnik o prilagajanju obveznosti učencem s statusi na OŠ Spodnja Šiška. Primerjava rezultatov anket januar 2013-junij 2013. Pravilnik o preprečevanju nasilja v družini. Nagrajeno delo naše učiteljice Majde Koren.
The question now is, how exactly do we ensure that what we need also becomes what we want? How do we exactly merge this compulsion with our passion? Well, I do have an answer to these questions which may change your lives forever for the better and make you more balanced, satisfied and happy. To know the answer, please bear with me and wait for my next post which could be a life changing one for you. Thank you for reading and stay tuned! .