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Monday, August 11, 2014. Yes, we have a new little baby in our home! Jaylee Rae Rowley is now one month old. She is pretty much the cutest thing ever. She likes to have her hands by her face, and likes to be held.
Miércoles, 15 de julio de 2015. Te quiero con la misma intensidad de mis disgustos. Te quiero con el mismo poder de mi mirada impregnándose en la tuya, tratando inútilmente de que leas mi mente y no mis ojos, no mi ceño, no mis labios apretándose uno con el otro. Te quiero con la misma intensidad de mis tristezas, cuando siento que el corazón se sale y no lo puedo detener. Te quiero en cada insomnio, en cada tiempo muerto y en esas pausas vivas. Y te extraño, te extraño cua.
Friday, October 5, 2012. Cuyler is an amazing singer. There have been a number of times where people sitting near us at church will come up after the meeting and tell Cuyler what a beautiful voice he has. That was the sweetest, most romantic thing. I could listen to Cuyler sing all day. I just love it! Kirk and Kari Kinsey.
Freedom fighters or Comintern army? The International Brigades in Spain. Click on link Ref the International Brigade. POUM - article from social worker online. Andreu Nin and the Poum in the Spanish Revolution. Andreu Nin was one of the leaders of the Poum during the Spanish Civil War. These activists were termed syndicalists. Many of them were won to socialism through the victory of the 1917 Russian Revolution.
Välillä on niitä hetkiä kun tajuaa, että maailma onkin oikeastaan aika aurinkoinen paikka ja että kaikki on just hyvin.
Geplant sind Wanderungen, Schneeschuh-Touren, Bergläufe, Ausflüge mit dem Rennvelo, mit dem Bike, Langlauf, usw. Manchmal werde ich von Brigitte oder von einer Tochter begleitet, hoffentlich ein paarmal auch von Sportkollegen, meistens werde ich aber alleine unterwegs sein.