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Unjuk a pimpelést - autót építünk! Lotus Super Seven replika építése a sufniban. Unjuk a pimpelést - autót építünk! Lotus Super 7-re hasonlító autónak látszó tárgyat szeretnénk létrehozni egy bontószökevény fordból, lemezből és zártszelvényből. Eközben igyekszünk minnél jobban szórakozni, tapasztalni és hasonló elvetemültekkel haverkodni.
This is what my newly registered Locost sports car looked like. Still some refinements and improvements to be added but it drives well and is being enjoyed while finishing touches are made. Details of the build can be found in the. Building a Locost clubman is as easy as. Locate a donor car and remove all its parts.
Welcome to my locost building site. Here you will find my complete build up history along with my plans for the future. The site is starting to come together. Just about everything is updated to current. I will continue to add new things periodically. For more information check out the announcements category and the vision for this site.