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The Blog Has Moved! Two people that are taking on the world one adventure at a time! View my complete profile. A family that blogs together. Friday, May 21, 2010. The Blog Has Moved! Tuesday, April 13, 2010.
Thursday, July 10, 2014. The title of this post has no meaning other than it is an awesome song by The Alarm that my brother introduced me to. She chose to have a. We were also invited to.
The Sergeant the Dancer and the Bean. Saturday, March 7, 2009. Back of house and porch. Just had to throw in this picture of our tree after a late snowfall. Look at that good looking guy on the deck. As you can see we now have a white vinyl railing. We also had a front porch cover put on. Helps to keep the rain and ice off the porch.
Friday, January 16, 2009. does anybody really do that? Posted by Joey Clayson. Monday, December 29, 2008. It is only possible to live happily ever after on a day-to-day basis. Saturday, December 6, 2008.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009. The new Blog can be seen at. Monday, July 13, 2009. Here are some really great photos that a good friend of mine took for us. With her little glasses on. Drinking breastmilk in a dropper while getting fed with the NG tube. Out for a fresh diaper.
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PKO BP 49 1020 5385 0000 9302 0051 3267. NIP 918 10 44 588. Naszą witrynę przegląda teraz 4. Zachęcamy do obejrzenia fotorelacji z uroczystości odpustowych TUTAJ. Uroczystości odpustowe ku czci św. dr Jarosław Przytuła - rektor Wyższego Seminarium Duchownego Diecezji Zamojsko-Lubaczowskiej w Lublinie.
Po raz pierwszy zamiast kazania wygłosiłem antykazanie. Oczywiście celowo i z wielkim szacunkiem dla Pana Boga, Kościoła, słuchaczy. Przewrotna była nie treść, ale forma. Zamiast mówić o tym, jak dbać o kościół, powiedziałem o 12 praktycznych sposobach na jego zrujnowanie.
Największy drewniany kościół w Europie na liście UNESCO. W związku z XVI edycją Międzynarodowego Festiwalu Bachowskiego czytaj więcej. Kościół Pokoju nowym cudem Polski. Zachęcamy do oddania głosu! Ślub krewnego Helmuta Jamesa von Moltke. Tutaj znajdziesz artykuły, które ukazały się w mediach o Kościele Pokoju.
The Sergeant the Dancer and the Bean. Saturday, March 7, 2009. Back of house and porch. Just had to throw in this picture of our tree after a late snowfall. Look at that good looking guy on the deck. As you can see we now have a white vinyl railing. We also had a front porch cover put on. Helps to keep the rain and ice off the porch.