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Wednesday, December 26, 2012. When I did the production video for the Twist and Shout Christmas Concert last week, this was the conclusion to the show. The story was so astounding that I had to recreate it for all my friends. Enjoy, and Merry Christmas. Saturday, May 28, 2011. American Honor, American Disgrace. I Knew I Could Fly.
Why do we still do it? When they prac.
Posted on julio 8, 2010. Bienaventurados son sus hijos después de él.
Friday, July 17, 2009. Tips on Road Trips with Kids. We just got back from a very long, but not too excruciating road trip with our four children from Pennsylvania to Colorado. I was a little weary about how the kids would do on such a long trip. We do have some experience, though, with travelling long distances with our kids. It feels good and saves our precious time. After a couple of hours of an activity o.
Tuesday, December 2, 2014. My Sad, Lonely, Little Blog. As you can see, it has been a while since I have visited this little corner of my world. Our computer is in its last throes of death. It has been a crazy year. Scooter was diagnosed with Asthma,. Wednesday, January 23, 2013.
Thank you SO MUCH for your advice on music.
Tuesday, December 20, 2011. And we really thought that was going to catch on. Fourth grade one of the big focuses is on writing, and we have really enjoyed seeing his progress in his writing skills. We hope that everyone has a great Christmas. Monday, October 10, 2011.
The life and times of our family as we face the ups and downs sometimes muddling is all we can do, and that is okay! Sunday, November 30, 2014. Pew 2014 Year in Review. Pew 2014 Year in Review. It still catches me off guard how fast time goes these days, months. I am amazed I have 2 children in their 20s and find myself a few years shy of 50. It was a great day! Is a ju.
Saturday, August 15, 2015. One more week until school starts. I would like summer to be longer! This week kind of flew by. I was just there to help Wanda. And getting her in and out of her white clothing was a bit of an adventure! But we figured it out.
Sunday, June 19, 2011. My father is a pig with a hat on his head. There have been a few recent events of note, though. My father is a pig with a hat on his head,. My father is a pig with a hat on his head,.
Aber weil ich es frisch von den Nadeln schon wunderschön finde, muss ich es euch sofort. Habt einen guten Start in die neue Woche! Sonntag, 14. Sonne, göttliches Licht! Wonne, Segen und Lust, Früchte den lockenden. Fluren, zeugest den Traubensaft. Kaum entfaltet der Tag jugendlich heiter sich,.
De nu ne credeți, cu noi stați o zi Întregi la minte, după, nu veți mai fi. Ă mă scuzați, eu nu mai pot să tac. Am atâtea lucruri de zis și si mai multe să fac. Între noi fie vorba, m-am cam săturat. În loc să-mi fac viața, dupa voi să fac curat. Sunteți chiori sau ce naiba se-ntamplă cu voi? Vă vreți salvați, dar vă pișați pe eroi! Oamenii tineri nu sunt groapa ta de gunoi. Mai bine fă pași și dă-ne speranța-napoi! Joi, 15 martie 2018.
Wednesday, September 7, 2011. So if you still want to keep up with my new releases and sales check out my new blog here. Friday, August 19, 2011.
Tuesday, June 11, 2013. Soon I am going to be the proud aunt of a beautiful little nephew. My sisters due date was June 6th, so we are all just waiting for the precious bundle to arrive. Be prepared for baby crafts galore. Monday, October 10, 2011.