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Martes, 17 de abril de 2007. Hi mis fiends congratulations for yours blogers its great in general. Lunes, 16 de abril de 2007. My name is Vanessa Paola antunez paz, I Have a 19 years old. I was Born in Maracaibo - Venezuela in 1987,. I graduate from high school of 16 years old, I got my first job in CAR-VILL in Maracaibo, I Study 2dn semester at mass media in URBE school.
Lunes, 16 de abril de 2007. Blog that visit and law seemed to me very interesting on my compa? Os has observes pretty photos, imagenes of all. Domingo, 15 de abril de 2007. Hello to all I am Yvette Villalobos this is my blog. Is conformed by all my works of English likes much so that I learned to know me much but all I hope that it likes much and that they know me but. There my favourites meals, my compositions would you will see. And I study in urbe, I live in haticos maracaibo.
Lunes, 16 de abril de 2007. Blog visited seemed to me very good all estan pretty with photos personal questions I could know but to my friends of the average university of mass s-211 all are very pretty and I congratulate them. Domingo, 15 de abril de 2007. My blog pablo E Jirado S. She love music, dan.
Lunes, 16 de abril de 2007. MY FAVORITE BLOG TO MY FRIENDS. I LIVE VERY MUNCH MY FRIEND VERY GOOD. THANKS WLADIMIR DE JESUS VILLAMIZAR VILLAMIZAR 17. If good afternoonIf one is bright that way. From who? Either very or thanks to God. That it is offered to you. That it will be? Lawyer professor of UCV.
agriculture, filles, blagues, voitures.
Monday, March 16, 2009. Thank you God for the blessings of family, friends, and jobs. Wednesday, February 4, 2009. Which helps me relax, but I still wake up in the morning with this broken feeling.
Je suis très heureuse de vous accueillir sur mon blog, et de vous présentes mes créations. Je vais vous faire partager mon univers. ma passion qui ne cesse de grandir. Bonne visite et laissez moi vos impressions,cela me ferais très plaisir.
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