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Books I was supposed to read. The New York Times List for Fiction Books. Straight from the Gut by Jack Welch. The Allure of Toxic Leaders by John Lipman-Blumen. Bad Leadership by Barbara Kellerman. Only little people pay Taxes by Leona Hemsley. Saturday, 13 August 2011.
1 pack of raising flour. Start with peeling the carrots. In a separat bowl whisk the eggs and add the oil. Add carrots to the eggs. Use a hand blender do blend the carrots and eggs until there is kind of a coarse texture. Add the sugar, raising flour and flour. Mix everthing with a wooden spoon. Put on a baking tray and bake at 175 degrees Celsius for 40 minutes. After taking cake out of the oven you can cover it with a liquid chocolate.
Ihr könnt euch das gar nicht vorstellen wo ich meinen Winterurlaub verbringe. Hier in Puerto de la Cruz, dass ist in Tenerifa, bei suessen 25ºC im Schatten. Echt schön mal die Kontraste zu sehen. Im Mercedeswald gruselt es dich fast und kaum aus dem Tunnel heraus nur karges Gebirge. Klasse finde ich, dass es noch Orte gibt die noch nicht vom Tourismus zerfressen worden sind.
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LINK - Career Services for Better Jobs е европейски проект, който има за цел да подобри качеството и достъпа до услуги по кариерно консултиране на хората в най-уязвимо положение на пазара на труда. Проектът LINK ще трансферира и адаптира в България, Полша и Испания цялостна програма за подобряване на уменията на кариерни консултанти, работещи в социалната сфера, да оказват подкрепа на специфични групи с риск от социално изключване.
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