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This blog introduces you to my special brand of. I show you how to find your. Est self, access your. Nner strength, tune in to your. Iller instincts, and use your. Thursday, January 21, 2016. A baiku book in the works.
Late According to Whom? Other Bloomers and Shakers.
Sunday, January 8, 2012. Winding Down, For Now. Used to be that blogging was a regular part of my routine. I was writing and reading every day and blogging was a part of all that. Tuesday, January 3, 2012. Mitt Romney Lies Some More. This election is just going to be awful. No big deal, but a ce.
Want to sponsor a giveaway? A letter to my son. Jun 12th, 2014 by Sarah E. Recently you told me about something that happened at school. A group of the boys were teasing one of your female classmates, and so you stepped in and stood up for her, telling them to knock it off and leave her alone. Doing the right thing, the good thing is often the harder road, but I think you somehow innately know that. These choices will continue to get more difficult as you get older and are faced with more and.
I love nearly every shade of green. Monday, 10 March 2014. BOOKS WE LOVE AT ROSITA LOLLIPOP. New website, new post. BOOKS WE LOVE AT ROSITA LOLLIPOP.
Exploring the world I find myself creating and inhabiting without my girl; the good, bad, ugly, and indifferent. Tuesday, December 11, 2012. The ground is crisp, hard beneath my 19 year-old feet and my nose is cold. The trees are bare and dusted white and it seems a very long way from the car to the door. Today, there will definitely be cake. Saturday, September 8, 2012.
The beauty which surrounds me is what motivates me to paint. To find ways to capture and share the emotion that this magical and demanding landscape evokes in me. Listen live to my radio show, an hour of reading from classic novels with just a bit of music, Tuesdays at 4 pm, on.
Expansions could not conceal balding or severely thinning locations. However if you intend to purchase real hair expansions such as clip in extensions. Consult from a trusted hair expert. It is essential that you util.
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Raquo; Мода и стиль. Raquo; Наука и техника. Raquo; Финансы и бизнес. Raquo; Истории из жизни. Raquo; Поиск по сайту. Жизнь Жизнь это А что такое жизнь? В чем смысл жи . Главными проблемами россиян стали бедность и рост цен. Глава минздрава США вернет народу деньги за служебные п . Как вести себя в Поминальны .