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I blog about politics and philosophy with food and Springsteen thrown in. Born as I was the citizen of a free state, the very right to vote imposes on me the duty to instruct myself in public affairs, however little influence my voice may have in them. Leek and sprout sauté with lemon and pistachios. 750g sprouts, trimmed and roughly sliced. 2 medium leeks, thinly sliced. 2 garlic cloves, thinly sliced.
Thoughts about Unitarian Universalist worship and music. right? March 14, 2014.
Românii din Diaspora sprijină inițiativa PNL privind introducerea votului prin corespondență. Partidul Național Liberal a organizat astăzi, 31 martie a. PNL va propune românilor din Diaspora, în această perioadă, un set de reforme în materie de legislație și procedură electorală care implică patru pași esențiali.
Exploring the frontiers of Liberal Democracy. Many people assume that Eurovision artists just turn up on the Friday do a few spot checks and go home on the Saturday having won or lost. Which makes it all the more astonishing that this took place. Which is why I have higher hopes for the plucky Andrius Pojavis from Lithuania to get into the final.
Timeline of Facts for Liberal Rick Perry. At age 34, was elected to the Texas House of Representatives as a Democrat. Re-elected to the Texas House of Representatives as a Democrat. Re-elected to the Texas House of Representatives as a Democrat. Co-chaired the Democrat Al Gore. At age 39, switched from Democrat. At age 43, wrote a letter.