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Taking its inspiration from life itself, Return to the Light is a unique sequence of dances conceived by Lesley Laslett. On a frosty Saturday in January about thirty-eight people gathered together for a workshop. As a choreographer, Lesley has created over 200 dances.
Sunday, August 14, 2011. Even though I had just ventured home a few weeks earlier, I felt that I needed one more small getaway to tide me over until my next school break. I needed just a little more nature. Luckily, when I arrived back at my parents house, the two had already planned a day trip to Vinalhaven. We boarded the ferry early the next morning with road bikes and backpacks for a short island adventure. Tuesday, August 2, 2011.
進去後才發現侍者是那種酷酷的, 後來還主動要幫我們拍合照呢, 可惜還是晃到了 XD. 座位分吸不吸菸區, 下午的時候客人不挺多, 飯後發現這還有地下室呢. 維也納不愧是觀光大城, 菜單至少都有英文說明, 很高興選到了好吃的鮭魚和燉飯. 飲料是我最愛的水啦, 在歐洲就盡量多選氣泡水囉 真像是迷你瓶, 就是兩杯份啦. 旅程的後半段又回到維也納, 從東斯洛伐克飛到首都機場, 從首都機場搭巴士到維也納市區南端, 換搭地鐵就到了市中心, 友人找的超古典飯店就坐落在維也納最熱鬧的地區, 豐富的名牌店, 走兩分鐘就到維也納大教堂. 順便一說, 我們回維也納的巴士司機和去斯洛伐克的是同一位, 在我們待在十度以下的戶外等了半小時以上的巴士後, 他的穿著在我看來還是非常單薄, 雖然這次是長袖襯衫了. 米蘭那時也是這樣的, 外面披上巨大的彩色掛布, 雖然在整修門面但也不會壞了遊興. Check in 後最重要的是覓食了, 在找到食物之前先當了一下觀光客.
NOW AND FOR NEVER BOOK LAUNCH! Please come help me celebrate the launch of the final book in my series which began with ONCE EVERY NEVER, continued on in EVERY NEVER AFTER, and now concludes with a rip-roaring adventure on the high seas of time travel for Clare Reid and Allie McAllister in. NOW AND FOR NEVER! Food, drink, reading, signing, live music and lots of. Time Monkey Shenanigans fun! At the same time.