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Sunday, March 22, 2009. Karate being the most primitive method of martial arts means empty hand in Japanese Language. Karate was initially originated in early 16th century from a fighting style known as. The traditional uniform of karate consists of loose white trousers and a jacket with a rank belt. The basic movements known as The Kihon. Defined sequence of moves known as Kata. Freestyle Sparring known as Kumite. While each style has .
Recently there was held another historical festival devoted to the history and culture of Ancient Rus and its neighbouring countries in IX-XI centuries. Here are some photos of the event.
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أمير المؤمنين يترأس حفلا دينيا كبيرا يومه الاثنين 26 رمضان 1436ه بمسجد الحسن الثاني بالدار البيضاء إحياء لليلة القدر المباركة. تعرف على مجمل أنشطة المؤسسة. عبد الحق كيدردوني 12 يوليوز 2015. عمر محسن 08 يوليوز 2015.