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Dopo un bel pò di tempo mi sono decisa a postare qualcosa. Un tentativo di lavoro interamente in digitale, colorato con Photoshop. Graphic designer and illustrator who living and working in Milan. Visualizza il mio profilo completo. Blog che seguo con interesse. Il segreto è unire due punti con una linea.
Il mio primo Give Away. A breve qualche novità! Ha sempre avuto rag.
Friday, October 20, 2017.
CALL CENTER MAKEOVER EXPERT! ARE YOU EXPERIENCING . HIGH - Turnover, Absenteeism, Noise Levels, Staff Errors, Abandoned Call Percentages, Queue Times . LOW - Morale, Productivity . WEAK - Supervision, Internal Communications . MINIMAL - Empowerment, Accountability, Upselling. IS YOUR STAFF COMPLAINING ABOUT . THEN LET US GIVE YOUR CENTER A. REDUCED STRESS, ENHANCED SUPERVISION, REDUCED .
Tu Evolución es Importante para mí. Cómo el Coaching Creativo te ayuda a Evolucionar? Ganas en Satisfacción Personal, lo que es clave para tener una calidad de vida inmejorable por fomentar la autoestima y predisponerte a los logros positivos. Elige el Área de Tu Interés.
The Devil will find work for idle hands to do . This is quite pertinent to me! Ironic really, because this project is an enquiry into how artists have dealt with the concept of work.
Entrenamos actores y directores en la poética de William Shakespeare y en la estética del Teatro de Imagen. A partir de finales de mayo comienzan los cursos cortos de actuación y dirección. Al final del workshop c.