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Sunday, August 9, 2015. I cannot believe that this is the very last year I will have more than one student at home. Where has all the time gone? And can I just say that, although it has sometimes been hard, it has been good. Treasure the time! Illinois Trip - July 2015. On Tuesday, my high school friend Ethan me.
Sunday, June 29, 2014. I have had 3 Chipmunks spending time beneath my bird feeders. Maple leaves forming have the most beautiful red color. One pair of my homing pigeons have decided to nest in the rafters of the barn, and these are their first offspring. Chicory is in full bloom, and it is one of my summer time favorite flowers.
Tuesday, October 08, 2013. She met with many setbacks along the way and also battled severe illness throughout. I admire her vision and her absolute focus on relieving the suffering of so many. It also led to grea.
Thursday, February 06, 2014. Nature Study - Vegetable regrowth. We have been doing a lot more nature study this year. I enjoy it so much and the kids are starting to get on board with the idea. We try and talk nature walks once or twice a week. We follow the monthly Outdoor Hour Challenges from Barb at Handbook of Nature Study. Monday, January 27, 2014.
Tuesday, August 11, 2015. Visit to the Century Farm. John Howard and Lavonne invited us all down to spend the afternoon with them at their farm. They live on the same farm that has been in the family for over 100 years - thus it has been officially designated a Century Farm. John Howard grew up here, as did his father before him. My Daddy was one of many cousins who visited his grandparents here. What a wonderful place! And what a great afternoon we had visiting.
Saturday, July 25, 2015. Then, they moved into the storytime followed by a playtime.
I Heart Faces Week 17-Child Entry. When I saw what the theme was going to be this week, I knew I had to enter! This is my 7 year old Jacob. This is his cowboy hat that he got from his Grandpa in October. LOL He even asked me last week if he can wear his cowboy hat when he grows up and gets a job.
Hot springs, long drives and surreal places in wild, wild Wyoming. The 6 Most Uniquely Annoying Airplane Passengers and How to Survive Them. Packing tips for a backpacking trip. The time has come to return to Honolulu on the final leg of our most recent epic travel adventure. To the magical islands of Løfoten, north of the arctic circle. The awesomeness of our experiences h.
Přihlaste se na otevřený kurz. Které kladou důraz na týmovou spolupráci, ale uvědomují si, že základem dobře fungujícího týmu jsou spokojení jednotlivci. Pokud je totiž mezi typem osobnosti a typem práce zásadní nesoulad, lidé si stěžují na nudu či velkou psychickou zátěž, jsou brzy unaveni či zakoušejí obavy, že své úkoly nezvládnou. Které se nacházejí v situaci změny a vědí, že úspěšnost každého změnového projektu závisí nejvíc na tom, jak jej přijmou ti, kterých se týká.
8230; um nach Valencia zurückzufliegen. Aber auch sehr viele um hierzubleiben. Ich möchte euch noch ein paar Eindrücke meiner letzten Woche zeigen, mit Bildern funktioniert das ja meistens am besten. Juni hieß es aussortieren, wegschmeißen, packen und putzen. Zum Glück hatte ich Hilfe von meinen Eltern! Angekommen in Sagunto in der Ferienwohnung. Wunderschöner Sonnenuntergang, aufgenommen von unserem Balkon aus. Es geht dem Ende zu, mit riesig.
Thursday, May 31, 2012. Memorial Day and Miniature Golf. Jessie joined in the fun. He is such a pill! Happy Birthday to Me. First family picture with all of us in a while. Everyone always asks us where our kids get their red hair. Good question! I am a proud mama. Those are bags of clothes for the DI in the back ground, not garbage. In our new Easter outfits.
Saturday, August 28, 2010. We had a blast on our trip down south! We went to Moab, Arches National Park, and Canyonlands National Park. Kyle, Kaleena, and Sophia. Kyle, Kaleena, and Sophia. Kyle, Kaleena, and Sophia.