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Kovacs Kustoms of Fort Myers Florida is a full service gunsmith shop that specializes in the repair and reconditioning of broken, damaged or incomplete firearms. We have experience in all phases of service and repair. The experts at Kovacs Kustoms focus on expert firearm repairs, gun restoration, and gun cleaning services. We also offer Sales of firearms and accessories. Kovacs Kustoms can Repair, tune, and customize your modern and antique hand guns and long guns.
Íres-neves képzőművészeiről találhatsz érdekességeket, információkat illetve beszámolókat az általam szervezett vagy látogatott kiáll. Terveim között szerepel Hely László és Zicherman Sándor jubileumi tárlatának megszervezése.
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I will try to show waggish glances, honest visages, romantic embraces and anything what I see in the world worthy to be told. In pictures, in my way, for you. 2016 Kovács Levente Destination photographer and story teller Transylvania Worldwide.