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I may move your posts around a little for better organisation. Remember that you can edit your own posts to improve or change them. You may need to scroll down to see set tasks or use the labels on the side. Wednesday, 20 April 2011. Well done to everyone who made the effort to try out new technologies and adopted the format required. Well done to all the students who presented their pitch so effectively. Well done to all the students who really worked collaboratively.
Monday, 25 April 2011. Views on what a persuassive leaflet should contain and look like. They thought that for someone to pick up a leaflet and want to read it there should be a simple. Piece of text on the front which is very interesting. Though the pitch for their leaflet was good their pitch for their advert was very confusing. Monday, 11 April 2011.
PARQUE INFANTIL CENTRO DE OCIO INFANTIL Y FAMILIAR C Gregorio Sánchez Herráez nº 1, 28033 Madrid. Sábado, 14 de febrero de 2015. Para evitar chascos y disgustos de nuestros amiguitos más pequeños, os recomendamos llamar antes de venir. Así os informaremos de nuestra agenda semanal de cumpleaños, edades y aforo disponible. Gracias por vuestra colaboración! Publicado por las bolas de hortaleza.
مرگ در لابه لای نورونهای مغز فروغ. دربارۀ داستان هجوم دوباره مرگ از ژوزه ساراماگو. مرگ در لابه لای نورونهای مغز فروغ. کسانی که دچار ایست قلبی.