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Devido à actual conjuntura este espaço encontra-se em insolvência por tempo indefinido. Quarta-feira, 1 de outubro de 2014. Rescaldo do XII Raid BTT dos Lama Solta. Domingo foi dia de rumar à Vila do Louriçal para mais um evento de BTT , evento este, que já contabiliza XII edições, sendo que a organização tem vindo sempre a inovar e a proporcionar grande satisfação a todos os bttistas presentes. Dê a sua opinião! .
TRUE ADVENTURE REQUIRES AN UNCERTAIN OUTCOME. Officially Cancer Free - Life is Good! I simply do not know what to say or even what to think, for that matter - I am cancer free. Such a short simple four word sentence. Yet there is not a football coliseum big enough to contain all that those words represent to me in past history and future that can now unfold. Because she was clearly happy to hear this sort of affection and appreciation from me.
Developed and Designed by The GMAA Group.
ضاحية مبارك العبد الله الجابر. الكويت, بنشر متنقل 24 كراج.
Life is fun! I am enjoying as much of life as I can. My children, Church, anything to do with the sea and Ham Radio, are my interests. Take a look at my activities and join me. If you have a question for me, please use the contact form below. I will get back to you as quick as I can.
WI2-5 Urs Hole Direct Finish. WI2-5 The Queen - Maligne Canyon. WI2 - Heart Creek Smears. The Ghost Wilderness Ice Climbing Map. WI2 Valley of the Sun. Mt Resplendent - NW slopes II.