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Saturday, April 25, 2015. We started the year off on a bad foot. Just a couple weeks into the new year we got hit with the stomach flu. Alison started it out on a Saturday night. Luke, Bridget and Carter all went down within a half hour of each other on Monday night. Thankfully, I was sparred! Sweet baby, finally feeling better and drinking her bottle. The scene in the living room Monday night.
Monday, February 20, 2012.
Down from the door where it began. Now far ahead the Road has gone, And I must follow, if I can, Pursuing it with eager feet, Until it joins some larger way Where many paths and errands meet. And whither then? I cannot say. Friday, March 30, 2018. There have been slight improvements daily with my leg. Last week I was able to drop Gideon off with Lori and went out to Peoria by myself! But with wedding pictures coming up I needed them.
How Great The Yield From A Fertile Field. Random musings from an old farmer about life, agriculture, and faith. Friday, April 06, 2018. So this is Spring? We had about two inches of snow accumulation on Easter, and an overnight low of 15 degrees! Forty miles south of us in Lincoln, they had a record low of -1 degree! The puddles have been frozen most mornings this week and we are supposed to see 18 tonight. Still winter if you ask me. We went to Black Dog Smoke and Ale House for some great BBQ afterwords.
Is It Friday Yet? Wednesday, July 29, 2015. So last weekend my parents and grandma came out to visit and confirmed that corn day was to be that Wednesday. So I rode back with them to spend a couple days in IL before Danny came out to join me. It was a great time! Summer got to spend lots of time with her IL cousins.
The life and times of Matthew Schrenk. Tuesday, March 16, 2010. I am trying to shake some sort of virus that I have. I also realized just how busy I have been this year. I will write a post about the Apostolic Christian World Relief. Meeting I went to in Kansas City soon. Their website has just a ton of information. Thursday, March 04, 2010. Monday, March 01, 2010.
Fulness of joy; at thy right hand there are. Monday, August 10, 2015. 8-10-15 Bible Class Hamburger Fry. Teams competed separately, and there was a two minute time limit. This was challenging for some, pretty easy for others.
Sunday, April 19, 2015. I know my posts have been few and far between, but I just have to post this one right away. Monday, February 23, 2015.
Today I looked through the telescope and I found that Rockhopper is almost here! My guess is he will be here on the 27th. Here is a picture of how far away he is. I am thinking he will bring some hat like he usually does, but what kind of hat? May 25, 2008.
金融学院第54期论文研讨 与 财贸经济 编辑面对面 经济学. 转发教务处关于重修课 线性代数 和 微积分 等课程集中答疑的通知.
Turecko,Blizky vychod,Syrie,. Mezinárodní kamiónová doprava nákladní a spedice, Turecko,Blizky vychod,Syrie,. Osvědčeníí o registraci k dani. Přeprava do zemí jako např. Gruzie, Řecko, Bulharsko. Mezinárodní nákladní doprava a spedice. Máme zde partnerskou firmu, která pro nás zajišťuje celní služby a ostatní potřebný servis, můžeme tak nabídnout komplexní služby. Dále zajišťujeme pravidelné přepravy do.