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Please lor, whole day rain. We get rashes and itches from semi-dried clothes and bedsheets for past 2 months. Making up for lost time. Pretty much settled in our new home. Gained an extra kid, hehe 2007 birthday gift so Jess calls but actually you know lar, she really wanted Potion so we had to buy her for my 29th birthday.
A HEART FULL OF PAIN, HEAD FULL OF STRESS - A HANDFULL OF ANGER, HELD IN MY CHEST -. My wish is to be with my loved ones. This is a pic of my dream gal on the left hehe. liling on the left and sulin on the right.
Welcome to Sabaidee Thai Restaurant - Eastbourne. Sabaidee Thai Restuarant is a new and authentic thai food restaurant in the heart of Eastbourne. May and her staff would like to wish you a warm Thai welcome to Sabaidee Thai Restaurant where our main aim is to serve you the discerning customer with the highest quality authentic Thai cuisine in the most friendly and relaxing environment. 55 reviews of Sabaidee Thai Restaurant.
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