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Tuesday, July 28, 2009. Alice asked me to do so, I would also like to take the chance know more about the chemistry of food, which is related to my study field. Before you continue reading, have a look at your kitchen and refrigerator! This is all because of FOOD PRESERVATION.
It will be about a blog that concerns interaction between me and chemistry in my daily life. Thursday, July 30, 2009. Think fun, think of CHEMISTRY. Thursday, July 30, 2009.
Friday, July 31, 2009. Watch this video before you proceed v. So now, I am going to talk about a special leaf. Ordinary leaf but this leaf has power! Power is much greater than vitamin C and E. Its reported ability to aid with the following diseases.
Just chemistry relating to my life. Tuesday, July 21, 2009. Is the sensation produced by a material taken in the mouth, perceived principally by the senses of taste and smell, and also by the general pain, tactile and temperature receptors in the mouth. Also denotes the sum of the characteristics of the material which produce that sensation. Is mainly composed of taste and odor. Texture has a very definite effect, smoothness, roughness, granularity, and viscousity can all h.
ChEm In mY EVeRyDaY LIfE- hOw Do i UsE tHeM? HoW dO I rElAtE tHe StUfF i UsE dAiLy To CHeMiStRy? I UsE a PeRfUmE bOtTLe-RoYaL MiRaGe II- A StRoNg OdOuReD PeRfUmE, eXiStEnCe Of MeLaMiNe AmOnG uS, SwIne Flu, aN EpIdEmIC in MSiA and PaNdEmIc On EaRtH, ViTAmin C, and HonEY. Friday, July 31, 2009. HoNey- a sweet and viscous liquid produced by insects known as BeeS. This term reminds me of a sweet, sticky and thick liquid produced by fearful insects that sting painfully called bees.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009. Toothpaste is a gel that we use with toothbrush to clean our teeth. Helps to strengthen and protect teeth. Help to control the plaque-causing bacteria. Help to reduce teeth sensitivity and control tartar.
Mrs Alice the UCSI lecturer. MkLq the dunno how to describe girl. Maxcy the leng leng lui. Munnie the Hot and Sexy girl. Joanne the Hot and Lamy Girl. Nicole the guai guai and cute leng lui. Christine the Cute quiet leng lui. Tze Ying the Penang Leng lui. Shao Ni the dunno who is she leng lui. Tiffany the dai bag po leng lui. Yen Chew the good girl. Kelly the Kepong Leng lui. May may the 24hours excited girl.
This is home, trully. Where i know i must be. Where my dream waits for me. Where the river always flow. This is home, surely. As my senses tell me. He is sooo cute la.
Upgrade to paid account! Хочу, надо, сделаю. В Билль о правах личности. Редкий для меня перепост, но тут из всего текста я готова сделать себе татуировку. Жалею, что мне не показали раньше. Я его нашла в упражнениях Елены Новоселовой.
Mrs Alice the UCSI lecturer. MkLq the dunno how to describe girl. Maxcy the leng leng lui. Munnie the Hot and Sexy girl. Joanne the Hot and Lamy Girl. Nicole the guai guai and cute leng lui. Christine the Cute quiet leng lui. Tze Ying the Penang Leng lui. Shao Ni the dunno who is she leng lui. Tiffany the dai bag po leng lui. Yen Chew the good girl. Kelly the Kepong Leng lui. May may the 24hours excited girl.
Upgrade to paid account! Наблюдательность не порок, а пища для графоманства. Не так давно я потрясающе, как говорится, феерично распсиховалась, одарив всех попавшихся ближних лютой истерикой. В последствие я решила еще и записывать все факты о себе, какие придут в голову, но сие будет позже. Оно еще сто раз потом может поменяться.