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That if you shall confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus, and shall believe in your heart that God has raised him from the dead, you shall be saved. For with your heart man believes unto righteousness; and with your mouth confession is made unto salvation. For the scripture say, Whosoever believes on him shall not be ashamed. Revelation chapter 6, verses 1-8. SEAL ONE - White horse. SEAL TWO - Red horse.
Speaking it tongues is very important for the believer today. And began to speak with other tongues,. As the Spirit gave them utterance. In chapter one, Luke spoke of 120 men and women. Being present in the upper room. But it cannot be said for sure that. All of those were present when the Holy Spirit came. It can be safely assumed that the eleven apostles who.
There are many verses in the bible that tell us He is coming again. For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ.
If you can prove there is no God; Then I will prove there is. God Is Jesus The Christ. as obtained and tested through scientific method. What does that really mean? And then.
No man knows the time, but you will know when it is getting close. You will Live in Heaven forever. 5 And if any ma.
The coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. 1Now we beseech you, brethren,. By the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. And by our gathering together unto him. 2That ye be not soon. Nor by letter as from us. As that the day of Christ is at hand. For that day shall not come,. Except there come a falling away first,. The son of perdition;. 4Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God,.
Some of us today might still ask;. Jesus show me the father to help me believe;. This was asked of Jesus probable many times since His first coming;. As a human our minds are on; and always thinking of worldly things,. And that leads us to our worldly human reasoning, I am sure we still ask this question today;. Would you show me the father Jesus to help me believe? Have something to look.
The Lord is getting the world ready for His 2nd coming. The increasing levells of accepting of the. The ordination of Mary Glasspool. Lesbian as a bishop in Los Angeles.
Events leading up to the coming of Christ Jesus. The Middle East is the hub or geographical center of the world. Thus the emergence of Israel not only as a nation, but as a world power, has aroused the interest and indeed hostility of many nations.
No man knows the time, but you will know when it is getting close. You will Live in Heaven forever. 5 And if any ma.
A Brief Study of Eschatology. A Short Study on Elders. Answering the New Atheism page 2. The Bible and Homosexual Conduct. The Historical Case for the Resurrection of Christ. Theological Con Men by Ashby Camp. The Cost of Discipleship by Ashby Camp.
The coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. 1Now we beseech you, brethren,. By the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. And by our gathering together unto him. 2That ye be not soon. Nor by letter as from us. As that the day of Christ is at hand. For that day shall not come,. Except there come a falling away first,. The son of perdition;. 4Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God,.
On August 1, 2015. Alexa Carter This trip has changed how I look at the Lord, and changed my mental stance by pushing me past my limits physically, mentally,. On July 31, 2015. On July 29, 2015. Today has been an amazing day! Amazing 2nd Day in Lorain. On July 28, 2015. Our second day was amazing! .
New to The Bible Chapel? The Bible Chapel App. We exist to develop followers of Jesus Christ in the South Hills of Pittsburgh, in the Greater Pittsburgh area, and throughout the world. What is The City? Click here to learn more! Sign Up for Our Newsletters. 2015 The Bible Chapel in Wilkinsburg.