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Not close as in literally close it down totally,. Thanks to all my friends,. Who have been following me side by side,. Giving me all the encouragement, care and concern. You always speak of love. How much do you actually know love? I hate life, and I hate myself.
Saturday, June 4, 2011. Happy 4 years and 4 months to you, Dearest. This post is just gonna be a photo with me and Dirty Green. This is sure a last pic with it before you change to Class 2 bike. Not forgetting giving you advises and suggestions. You ought to know how much i love you.
CLICK ON FOUR IMAGES AT THE SIDE TO NAVIGATE. I am an average girl. Haters are not welcome at all. Sunday, October 04, 2009 Sunday, October 04, 2009. Thursday, October 01, 2009 Thursday, October 01, 2009. Wednesday, September 30, 2009 Wednesday, September 30, 2009.
SUMMER KT CREATORS FESTIVAL TO SUPPORT AUTISM. Thank you everyone for your support and hope to see you at the fair. I am happy to be back and continue to work with the Jingjings and all the faithful followers.
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