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Is a totally awesome idea still being worked on.
Ble en verdig forestilling med mingling, mimring, gode historier, koldtbord og kake litt å leske seg på. Maten og serveringen hos Martin var utmerket. Roar H var spirituell toastmaster under bordet og kvelden. Niels takket for mat og hyllet arrangementskomiteen. Alle vi andre gjorde så godt vi kunne for et vellykket arrangement. De siste gikk kl 03. Hei Takk for et flot.
To study the molecular architecture of microbial cells and HIV in their native state. We focus on fundamentals of microbial cell biology such as cell division, movement and secretion, as well as the structure of HIV at all stages of its lifecycle.
The primary research theme of our group is centered around drawing statistical inference from DNA polymorphism data - specifically, describing the processes that determine the amount and distribution of genetic variation within and between populations, and between species. Lab members work on both applied and theoretical problems in fields ranging from population genomics to medical genetics. Jensen awarded an FNS project grant.
The JensenLab develops state-of-the-art tools for generation and analysis of molecular interaction networks from proteomics data and text mining, which we make freely available to the scientific community. Our research group is part of the NNF Center for Protein Research, and is located at the University of Copenhagen, Denmark.