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Tuesday, April 29, 2014. As some of you are aware I started racing MTB on a single speed, my first 24hr was I actually raced SS back in 2008. 2nd race in a week I got to fly the Ay UP flag pumped.
Wednesday, October 3, 2012. Hopefully I can stop thinking of cool things to do and just do them! Tuesday, July 31, 2012. Well my posting lately has not realy been too much about riding or racing, while I have been and trying it has been very frustrating. It seems every time I get into routine showing some good signs it all turns to pear. First night at home and already best mates. Trying to be top dog. Sunday, May 27, 2012.
For me, honestly, it was a rubbish year on the bike with one spectacularly good ride. But it was also a fun year.
Jason Ensminger is a wedding and portrait photographer in Amarillo, Texas. Friday, April 11, 2008. I need to be better about updating this. But in the mean time, I received my new business cards today! Christopher at Porridge Papers. I can see where this could get addicting. Geek? Yeah, I know.
Lehenengo alea kalean dago, jada. Beire ingelesa ikasteko udaleku batera bidali dute gurasoek. Bere institutuan gelako liderra den arren, udalekuan inork ez du aintzat hartzen, eta Baba izeneko mutil misteriotsu batengan aurkituko du babesa, boxeoa ikasteaz gainera. Etxera itzulita, bere betiko lagun Kar eta Leterekin batera, hirurek osatzen duten Sua taldea prest dago, berriz ere, institutuko izarrak izan eta egurra emateko, baina badirudi aurtengo ikasturtean gauzak desberdinak izango direla.