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Do tag before you leave. My name is Goh Li Ling. At the age of 13. Currently studying in Hougang Sec. Get a part time job. Get top 3 for exam.
Thursday, May 20, 2010. I failed my el paper by 2 mark hope add CA will pass. this time round only got 2 A. like what the hell am i doing? How am i going to face myself, my parents? This few days was sort of disappointment. Got 3 events made me back to normal.
After olevels i shall revive this blog. Saturday, 5 June 2010. Thinking of dropping to comb. sci, but tien say ong wont allow. Cause i didnt fail both chem and bio. Ah, my june holidays like so gone. Tmr whole family go thailand, only me at home studying . Reading past posts on this blog. Sunday, 9 May 2010.
Sunday, October 4, 2009. Me and my friend decided to be lego desiners. at first we were going to do space, but then jared built a machine that looked more like a lobster, so we made it under sea things these are some of the machines I built. Sunday, September 13, 2009. Wednesday, September 9, 2009. Heres a challenge, try reading every Chronicle of Narnia but Prince Caspian in three weeks. Sounds impossable huh, well I did. I even read the last two in three days! Monday, August 31, 2.
Tuesday, March 6, 2012. My Guinea Pigs- -the very, very, very in depth story. So, like I said, this is the in depth story of my guinea pigs. It all started one Christmas morning when I rushed downstairs and saw a whole bunch of gifts under the tree- just like normal. But there was a giagantic shape sitting on the carpet. I mean-it was tall and wide and MASSIVE! I knew what they were.
The Child, Youth, Family and Social Development.
You can go ahead fill in this section with a welcome text or maybe a small profile. Maybe you can turn this into a headline section. Whatever you want to do with it you can. I would just like to remind you that this section does start to scroll after 86px has been filled with text or whatever you put in here. So go wild! This was posted on October 10, 2010. Why the English teachers call me Bern.