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Sunday, December 05, 2010. She loves to hang out with him. Helping GRanda in the yard. This a a place where they give you bird nectar and the birds fly all over you. Abby was a bit freaked out. Walking along the beach every morning. Running away from the waves. Abby fell in while trying to run from the waves. She was soaked and none of us would go in to save her untill the wave receded back. It was sad! Feeding the Rays at Sea World.
Wednesday, July 25, 2012. New York, The Statue of Liberty and Philadelphia. This time around we had some visitors. Cole and Jana came to visit and we took a day trip to Philadelphia. Evie likes to copy Richie. Cole was super helpful when he was taking our pictures. We just discovered that we had a rooftop deck. Napping on the tour bus.
En aquest bloc vull esponer diversitat de temes, espero que sigui del grat de tots. Dissabte, 23 de juliol de 2011. Voldria posar aquest bloc per diversitat de coses, espero que us agradi, mentre us deixo uns enllaços. La meva llista de blocs.
Saturday, March 28, 2009. Logan plays the drums! Wednesday, February 18, 2009. Here is what it is supposed to look like, but this is definitely not a picture of mine. Maybe I will post that later. And it is his birthday week! Tuesday, January 20, 2009. After weeks of a strike, Logan has decided to march again! With his .
August 7 - 30, 2015. Rebecca Saylor-Sack paints in a hallucinatory vivid palette of colors to construct an image of simultaneous.
Jueves, 22 de septiembre de 2011. Lo siento mucho pero no caben nadie mas de momento,bueno me queda una plaza,. Yo lo que haria en este caso,es que cada uno me cuente cómo ha. Sido su muerte y la que yo crea la forma más increíble, entra en el cielo.
So of course, we did a lesson on haikus. Stay tuned for more! March 6, 2011.