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La tecnología un aliado estratégico dentro de su institución. Una herramienta WEB para administrar y gestionar entidades educativas. Solo requiere acceso a internet. Venta formularios, inscripción y proceso de seleccion. Hoja de vida del alumno e información de padres y acudiente. Defina logros, indicadores, criterios de evaluación y elabore la planeación de cada periodo académico. Promedios por curso, áreas, asignaturas.
Sunday, May 2, 2010. Looking ahead to next year, I already forsee cutting some of the tech add-ons that seemed like great applications at the time. But is more than curious to realize that with the completion of the COETAIL classes, so too ended my embedding of tech learning tools. The question that emerges from this reflection process is one that has surely been arrived at by many tech-savy educators in the past decade. Did I get carried away in the excitement of a new toy? Or my course requirements? .