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Individual statement questions for Royal College of Psychiatrists examination - MRCPsych Part 1. This is a large collection of Individual Statement. Thursday, April 27, 2006. This is a large collection of Individual Statement Questions, useful in the preparation for the MRCPsych examination. MRCPsych I Sept 03 questions. Please feel free to offer any suggestions.
ISQs on Anxiety Disorders for MRCPsych. Tuesday, December 02, 2003. Neurotic, Somatoform and Anxiety Disorders. 1 Features of PTSD include flash backs T. 2 Features of PTSD include ideas of reference F. 3 Features of PTSD include emotional numbing T. 4 Features of PTSD include hyper vigilance T. 5 Features of PTSD include patchy amnesia T. 6 Obsessions in OCD may present as mental images T. 7 Obsessions in OCD may present as primary slowness T.
Thursday, December 11, 2003. Back to MRCPsych revision main page. 1 An adequate system of classification in psychiatry would be based on aetiology if known T. 2 An adequate system of classification in psychiatry would be purely descriptive F. 3 An adequate system of classification in psychiatry could be pent axial T. 4 An adequate system of classification in psychiatry would be mutually inclusive and jointly exclusive T. 11 Neurosis is not a category in DSM IV T.
ISQs on General topics for MRCPsych. Tuesday, December 02, 2003. Back to MRCPsych ISQ main page. 1 EEG in sleep shows 3 Hz spikes and waves F. 2 EEG in sleep shows Beta waves in the frontal lobes F. 3 EEG in sleep shows Delta waves T. 4 EEG in sleep shows spikes due to myoclonus T. 5 EEG in sleep shows spindles during REM F. 6 Hypnopompic Hallucinations are usually visual F. 7 Sleep spindles on EEG appear in REM sleep F. 8 Somnambulism occur in stage 4 T. 9 Paradoxical sleep is one of the parasomnias F.
ISQs in Old Age Psychiatry for MRCPsych. Friday, December 05, 2003. Back to MRCPsych revision main page. 1 Patients suffering from organic brain syndrome, show fluctuation in their level of consciousness T. 2 Patients suffering from organic brain syndrome should be nursed in a quiet darkened room. 3 Patients suffering from organic brain syndrome are frequently excitable. 4 Patients suffering from organic brain syndrome are often preoccupied with internal themes T.