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To access this blog in a mobile version. Thursday the 18th of June Personal Connections. Dear Parents and Students,. Every students should have brought home a card with at least 2 goals to accomplish in the next 3 days. Prepare an oral speech for each slide you have created at the end of the group Google Doc.
VAŠE MODERNÍ WEBOVÉ STRÁNKY ZA 4. 8222;Moc děkuji za pomoc při tvorbě našeho webu. Netušil jsem, že se dá udělat tak moderní web za tak nízkých pořizovacích nákladů. 8222;Děkujeme za stránky našeho školního projektu. Moc si ceníme vaší rychlosti při úpravách stránek a hlavně jejich moderního vzhledu! .
Nieuwe stap binnen het onderwijs. Het Onderwijsbureau laat scholen ontdekken hoe zij vanuit hun eigen kracht waarde kunnen toevoegen aan het onderwijs. Doe nu kosteloos een schoolplan CHECK! Wij zetten onze expertise graag in om jouw school van dienst te zijn en kijken graag met je mee! Een sterke schoolleider investeert in persoonlijke ontwikkeling en is zi.
Sunday, July 30, 2006. I am so sorry,i do not answered you since this long time. I have had some exhibitions. at all time i had no time. So i answer your quetion. How do you think we should display them? On the wall or lying flat on a display board? My plan is on the wall,but i can change it. I will make my works in Australia,so i have to collect some leaves for my works. What do you think? .
Wednesday, August 02, 2006. I feeled the cycle of the seasons when we did a swap some box. Spring is April in Japan. But spring is September in Australia. Japanese people and nature has feeling season opposite in Australia. But, time is same.