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Mitä islam todella on? Mitä lännen tulee tietää. Mitä islam todella on? Tarkoittaa alistumista ja muslimi alistuvaa , mutta vähintään yhtä paljon islamissa on kysymys alistamisesta ja alistajista. Muslimit itse sanovat alistuvansa Allahille, mistä he katsovat saaneensa palkkioksi etuoikeuden alistaa vuorostaan muita, mutta kenelle muslimit. Kunnialliset ylempiarvoiset ja häpeälliset alempiarvoiset. Kunnioituksen saavuttaminen ja häpäisyn kostaminen. Uhrimentaliteetti ja vaatimus toisten mukautumisesta.
Monday, 4 June 2012. Although I no longer post here, I do have another blog called Islam Versus Europe. Where I write about the effect Islamic colonisation is having on Europe as a whole. Scottish stories are featured there sometimes. Wednesday, 23 November 2011. Leaving Scotland to its Fate. I am going to be leaving Scotland soon to live abroad so I will stop this blog here. I hope someone else will take up the torch.
Decía alguien, de manera muy ocurrente y hasta jocosa, que en una manifestación el que va en primera fila es un abanderado, pero el que va 50 metros por delante de la primera fila es un gilipollas. La respuesta que hemos tenido ha sido, sinceramente.
Commentary and Analysis on Politics, Culture, and Social Science. Sunday, June 9, 2013. Scandals, controversies, and cover-ups. Tuesday, March 12, 2013. On February 18, the Democrat-controlled Colorado House of Representatives passed all four gun control bills. These four bills are headed to the.
This blog is a campaign against Turkish accession to the European Union. Through original articles, and links to relevant sources of information, it aims to demonstrate why Turkish EU membership would be a disaster for Europe and for Western civilisation. Thursday, 3 January 2013. Hizbollah Leader Admits Turkey Financing Syrian Rebels. Monday, 31 December 2012. Turkey Accuses EU of Bigotry. Despite waning domestic support for joining the EU, Ankara has continued to push for full membership of the union a.
Wednesday, December 10, 2014. White Genocide a Jewish Plot? This post will present a huge amount of evidence to prove that Jews are working towards eradicating the white race, which is white genocide, via mass immigration and race mixing dysgenics. IS WHITE GENOCIDE A JEWISH PLOT? The screen grab above is of a tweet by Barbara Spectre. This is the text of the speech by Kamau Kambon, the man in the video which Barbara Spectre praised and cheered on with her genocidal comment.
The Purpose of Fasting in Ramazaan. August 22, 2010 by islamversusmuslims. ل ع ل is an article and is one of the sisters of إ ن , the meaning is may be, i. e that is it gives a sense of chance and not surety, it doesnot guarantee anything. و ل ن ذ يق ن ه م م ن ال ع ذ اب ال أ د ن ى د ون ال ع ذ اب ال أ ك ب ر ل ع ل ه م ي ر ج ع ون. Meaning of the above cited verse. 7when one is a captive.
Ist fanatischer Hass gegenüber den Juden. Diese rassistische Ideologie war im Lauf der Jahrhunderte Ursache für Bedrohung, Verfolgung, Exil und Tod von Millionen unschuldiger Juden. Der Islam will der Welt Gerechtigkeit bringen. Er lehnt Antisemitismus genauso strikt ab wie jede andere Art von Rassismus. Muslime kritisieren den Atheismus und den radikalen Zionismus. Unterstützen aber das Recht der Juden, in Frieden und Sicherheit zu leben. EIN AUFRUF DER MUSLIME AN DIE ISRAELIS.
This is your first post. Hz Ali, Bedir savaşından sonra Hz.
HAY BİN YAKZAN VE ROBİNSON CRUSOE. HAY BİN YAKZAN VE ROBİNSON CRUSOE. Hay ve Robinson, ölüm tehlikesi atlatıp, bir kurtuluş olarak ıssız adaya düşen iki ayrı insan. Doğaya, kendilerine, insanlara karşı tavırları; düşünceleri, inançları, soruları, değerleri birbirinden çokça farklı iki insan, iki dünya, iki farklı medeniyet. Hay Doğu, Robinson Batı. Hay, hayatını ulaştığı doğrular ve yanlışlar çerçevesinde sınırlar. Bedenini bir emanet ve Tanrıya ibadet etmesine bir araç olarak.
İslam ile demokrasinin örtüştüğü yer kadar örtüşmediği yer de vardır. Üye blogların içeriğinden blog yazarları sorumludur.