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Friday, March 30, 2007. An Overall of the TLP. At first what I thought about the TLP was that it was going to be pretty boring. When we started searching for information and doing all of those posts. I started hating it, and getting bored of doing the same thing over and over. I thought we will never finish, and that it would never get to the day when we had to start filming the documentary. Monday, March 26, 2007.
Friday, March 23, 2007. Finally, at the begininig this project was very bored, but then it come interesting. The most ineresting part of this project was to work with other people meet people from very far country. TLP was a good experience that I would never for get. Friday, March 02, 2007. I decided to change again my topic of the teen life projec.
Sunday, July 08, 2007. Monday, March 26, 2007. On this first song I remember a video that I saw 3 weeks ago on a farm of a group of rocks singers that used every-day ittems to play music. On this second song I imagine cow boys in the old west in a bar driking beer all drunk dancing crazy. Saturday, March 03, 2007. Gained world infamy as a Colombian.
Ce blog me sert pour mes recherches de magnets et proposer mes doubles. Ce blog me sert à faire des échanges de magnets. Vous y trouverez mes différentes recherches et offres dans chaque article.
Curiosità e spigolature, cose serie e cose divertenti, notizie utili e notizie frivole. Rosetta alla Corrida di Corrado. Una sala concerti per Barenboim. A casa di chi siete;. Incontrate gli amici, formate un gruppo e .
Im a cool paragraph that lives inside of an even cooler modal. Im a cool paragraph that lives inside of an even cooler modal. Institut Supérieur des Arts Multimédia de la Manouba.
Por qué no, ahora me toca a mi! Viernes, 22 de octubre de 2010. Sólo me pongo el chandal si es para hacer deporte. No asisto a las reuniones del AMPA, odio los parques infantiles, mis hijas no van a sevillanas. Duermo tranquila si en el fregadero han quedado los platos de la cena, y para. mi los sábados son para dormir hasta las tantas! Mara por fin se sentía fuerte. Ese día se levantó con .