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Develops customizable self service touch screen applications for Grocery, C-Store, Institutional and QSR customers. These kiosk applications are designed to substantially increasing sales, transactions, and quality of customer service.
Supporting youth workers and entrepreneurship. Empowering European ideals and citizenship. InterMediaKT is a non-profit organization working as a broker for vocational education, training and innovation. We aim at supporting, inspiring and empowering actions of evolving business and entrepreneurship. Learn more about our objectives! Featured Projects and Activities.
Para ver seus imà veis favoritos. Caso nà o tenha login, CADASTRE-SE. O CondomÃnio Villa Real traz a Boituva nova opà à o de moradia. A somente 05 minutos do centro da cid. Casa Nova, em bairro nobre da cidade de Boituva. Prà ximo ao centro da cidade. Sà o Bernardo do Campo. Sà o Caetano do Sul.
Nová prevádzka CK INTERMEDIAL v Ivanke pri Dunaji čoskoro. Pre východné satelity Bratislavy - Ivanka pri Dunaji, Bernolákovo, Zálesie, Veľký Biel, Senec, Most pri Bratislave, máme . Milí klienti, Vianoce sa blížia a rozmýšľame nad tým, čím obdarovať svojich blízkych, priateľov, kolegov, . Black Friday v cestovnej kancelárii INTERMEDIAL.
Helping accelerate your competitive advantages with our expert team. We develop time and cost-effective customized applications that help organizations address functional gaps and achieve business goals effectively. Our Teams specialize in designing and implementing Analytics solutions, Cloud platforms, Mobile applications and integration of corporate systems aligned with the business requirements of our customers. We help predict business outco.