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Philosophy, Education and Citizenship. Philosophie, Education et Citoyenneté. 30 years of experience developing educational programs, engaging professionals and setting up standards. Our portfolio of products includes more than 100 games, publications and educational material. Visit our online google play store account. Working together to raise standards. We have published more than 100 educational books and 10 games in 5 languages.
MUNTANYES PER A LA PROTECCIÓ DELS RAMATS. EL Muntanya protector de ramats. Consideració de la raça Gos de Muntanya dels Pirineus com a potencialment perillosa. Primer lliurament de MPR als ramaders. Ampliació del Projecte Biodiversitat a Galicia. Ampliació del projecte Biodiversitat a Xile.
A part of the University of Natural Medicine. Postanite Diplomirani lekar prirodne medicine. Postanite Diplomirani lekar prirodne medicine. Važan momenat u pravilnom bavljenju medicinom jeste pristup ljudima kao prijateljima, a ne kao pacijentima. Takođe, govor lekara bi trebao da bude u terminima zdravlja i napretka, a ne u terminima bolesti i smrti.