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Monday, April 6, 2015. Vine un moment in viata noastra cand lasam la o parte toate limitarile, toate gandurile negative, toate lanturile care ne tin legati si pur si simplu inflorim, ne deschidem catre viata cu tot ce are ea de oferit. Acesta este mesajul noii colectii LivChariere, fiecare creatie are in spate energia transformarii si scopul este ca prin fiecare creatie sa ajutam si asistam la inflorirea unui suflet. Cromatica acestei colectii este suava, pastelata cu nua.
Vineri, 11 mai 2012. Perfect way to a start a day! Azi am facut briose. cu vanilie si fulgi de ciocolata si cu mere si ghimbir. acum nu mai este nici una in farfurie! Nu arunca, recicleaza! Uite ce poti face cu o sticla de cola! Marți, 3 aprilie 2012. Visez la zile de primavara, insorite. cu ciresi infloriti, limonada cu menta si briose cu glazura. The Referee Is Always Right. Nu arunca, recicleaza! .
En klassisk livboj för våra vackra och krävande skärgårdsmiljöer. En hyllning till vår farfar som trillade i Stilla havet 1916. Vi gör mer än livbojar! Här hittar du hela Rescue Life 247 sortimentet. För oss betyder livräddning mer än bara produkter. Se filmen i flera språk! Mer än 80 000 livbojar räddar ett liv i månaden. Allt för din båt och din fritid. Här hittar du allt om livbojar. Get your own qanvas at Qanvas.
Tuesday, 9 June 2009. END OF 2nd YEAR EVALUATION. I would like to develop my skills in InDesign so that my layout skills are better. I am still very much a novice to InDesign and only know the bare minimum. Summer is my chance to play around with it and test my hand to it. Friday, 5 June 2009.
Here I will record any practical development of my work, through appropriate contextual research. I will post up anything I find interesting or relevant with regard to my current collaborative brief. Monday, 30 March 2009. and end of module evaluation. I also feel that I need to organise my development work better and co.
Friday, 13 February 2009. 1 What skills have you developed through this module and how effectively do you think you have applied them? Being able to produce me illustrations in Illustrator and then import them into After Effects to animate them was the best skill i learnt. Having the satisfaction of seeing my own work move was quite exciting! .