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What will panda wear today. Monday, 1 June 2009. The only redeeming feature was this photo shoot - which is amazing. Tuesday, 21 April 2009. Ballard has passed through this world and has left in his wake a lot of uninteresting, bland journalism concerning his life and work. Of everything I read, I liked this article a lot. Monday, 20 April 2009.
That band was great, that band was rubbish. Thursday, 28 October 2010. I just had the draft title there. I think this gig was pretty decent. Monday, 25 October 2010. Smegma build up, the guitar is pre.
Ресторан ИДИОТЪ - идеальное место для деловых встреч, туристов, друзей-иностранцев, позднего ужина, приятного уик-энда, семейных выходов и счастливого безделья. В меню присутствуют рыбные блюда и морепродукты. Обширная винная и чайная карты. Уважаемые партнеры ресторана Идиот! .
Lixo do urubu, leia se quiser, critique, reclame, fale mal, se angustie, se entedie. Terça-feira, dezembro 12, 2006. Sempre me preocupei demais com aquelas brincadeiras de infância e adolescência em que as crianças exigiam uma coerência por parte dos seus coleguinhas ou amiguinhos quanto aos seus gostos. Ou seja, se alguém diz que gosta de algo, principalmente alguma banda, grupo, artistas, então essa pessoa tem que saber absolutamente tudo sobre isso! Engraçado que os adolescentes.