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HumanRightsAward 2012 für MADONNA und Pussy Riot. Niemand sonst war im Jahr 2012 für Friedensfragen und Menschenrechte so aktiv und effizient wie die Pop-Ikone Madonna. Darum werden wir sie für den diesjährigen Friedensnobelpreis vorschlagen. Neben Madonna ehren wir die russischen Aktivistinnen Pussy Riot mit dem HumanRightsAward 2012 für ihren Mut, dem Konservatismus und der unheiligen Allianz von Kirche und Staat die Stirn zu bieten. Diesen Post per E-Mail versenden.
Human Rights Awards Gala June 1. The number of votes from the public each candidate receives;. Evidence of contribution to human rights or justice related to each area of focus; and.
Global Brigades is an international non-profit that empowers communities to meet their health and economic goals through university volunteers and local teams. The largest student-led movement for global health. An international student-led movement for legal empowerment. International Law Experience that Empowers Families in Rural Panama. Your browser does not support the video tag. Gabriela Valencia, Panama NGO Director. Global Human Rights Brigades Chapters.
Човешките права в България през 2013 г. между застой и сериозни нарушения. София, 1 aприл 2014 г. В повечето сфери на правата на човека в България през 2013 г. Докладът бе представен днес на специална пресконференция в София.