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Sunday, August 19, 2012. At the Country Home again this weekend. Today, as I did on Saturday, I took my Dad on a drive around the Glen. The backroads that he once knew like the proverbial back of his hand. My father wanted to show me the house he boarded at when he worked there 50 years ago. Sunday, August 12, 2012. Over the past weekend, as I parto.
Sunday, March 25, 2018. Huge chunks of hard frozen driveway ice. Heaved high up over snowy banks. For a spring clean sweep. Rocks pulled up from the ground. Funny mix of awe and mockery. Monday, March 12, 2018. Then back out into big. The one that pulls you in deep. Eyes close - head bobs. Left foot beats out the bass beats.
It was Late, and I was Tired. Poetry, Prose, and Thoughts for the mentally exhausted, the morally intrigued, and the late night internet surfer hopped up on caffine. For you with strained eyes, a tired soul, and rhythm in your heart. The desert bears only a scathing sun, and nothing more. Thursday, July 31, 2014. This was the worst one yet. I have accumulated too many things. It is time to lighten my load. Sunday, July 6, 2014. At the thought of you-.
Recently I bought a self-help book titled Ten Days to Self Esteem. Nine days have passed without any improvement. Tuesday, July 14, 2015. When my dreams fell to the ground like loose change,. I bent down to pick up the broken pennies and dimes. Nah, leave them for someone else. I felt richer for being poorer, but sadder just the same. Sunday, June 14, 2015.
This is decidedly not a job search website, in the sense that I will no longer bore you with tales of job searching or networking or whatever. This is simply a small, let us say sitting room, in the vast untapped mind of a fucking genius. Roll over and tell yo mama the news! Sunday, March 24, 2013. Most recent pic of Sveta and I after re-creating the Hobbit in our living room. Hope to update this blog prior to 2014! Monday, December 3, 2012.
Wohlan, die Vorbereitungen für die Jubiläumsausgabe und die dazugehörige Sause laufen auf Hochtouren. In Kürze gibt es hier genauer Informationen zu Anreise, Rahmenprogramm und Pennplätzen. Als kleines Schmankerl an dieser Stelle die Festival-CD, die es in Kleinstauflage beim Festival zu ergattern gibt hier zum download. 01 Die Bilanz - Regelblues mit Knüppel A. 02 Pestfest - When The Water Rises. 03 The Spastix - The Cage.
Human Parasites Members Upcoming Video. My Lyme Disease Story Health Journey. New Lyme disease tests could offer quicker, more accurate detection. The Perks of Being an Empty Nester.
Please wait a few minutes and refresh this page. An error has occurred; the feed is probably down. Human parasites are organisms living within the human body. Then we come to be their hosts. People take parasites along with them when they immigrate to the United States. We are vacationing more often. Popularity of pets inside households. Our lifestyle can cause mult.