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Tuesday, March 3, 2015. Lions and Gorillas and Slides! Last weekend we made the trek out to Birmingham for Mr. Autumn got another ride just because. And then we all got to ride this super fun slide! We got to hear the lion.
In and Out of the Ditch. A priest writing reflections on theology, philosophy, and Catholicism. None of what I write is official or representative of my diocese or parish, just my semi-public attempt at figuring things out and sharing it with you for the sake of dialogue. Friday, July 31, 2015.
銆愯嫳鍕囨搾璐笺 戦緳姹熷崗绠 憳鎶撹幏鐘 姜瀚岀枒浜? 椤哄痉浜よ 鍐嶆 鏌ヨ幏澶氳締娑夊珜闈炴硶钀ヨ繍澶у 杞? 鈥滄墦闈炴不杩濃 濈 浜屾尝鎵撳搷濂楃墝鍋囩墝鈥滄 鐏 垬鈥? 浜よ 澶ч槦鑱斿悎鈥淓浠i 鈥濆紑灞昞鎷掔粷閰掗 娲诲姩. 涔愪粠浜よ 寮 灞曞嵄鍖栧搧杩愯緭杞 締椹鹃 鍛樹氦閫氬畨鍏ㄥ煿璁? 鍏 憡锛氬彉鏇撮 椹朵汉鑱旂郴鏂瑰紡銆佸彉鏇存満鍔ㄨ溅鎵 鏈変汉鑱旂郴鏂瑰紡涓氬姟鏆傚仠鏈嶅姟锛? 缃戜笂棰勭害椹鹃 浜虹 鐩 冭瘯. 璺 潰绠 悊銆佽繚娉曞 鐞嗭細 22218029. Nbsp; 鍧 锛? 锛屾 杩庢偍鐧诲叆椤哄痉杞 鎵 锛? 锛堟俯棣ㄦ彁绀猴細娴忚 鍣ㄨ 浣跨敤IE8銆両E9銆両E10锛堥潪鍏煎 妯 紡锛夈? 60娴忚 鍣 紙闈炴瀬閫熸ā寮忥級浠ヨ幏鍙栧叏閮ㄥ姛鑳藉強鏈 浣崇殑鏄剧ず鏁堟灉銆傦級. Nbsp; 鍏 畨澶囨 缂栧彿锛? .
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