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Tuesday, October 28, 2014. All but the finishing touches. When we arrived we found that the floors and carpets had been uncovered, and that we have electricity and water along with a pretty much completely functional kitchen. One thing I wished .
Le monde de la blonde.
Wake up now, its a brand new day. Seize the day and Rock on! Saturday, November 05, 2005. Super long break from my blog. Just in case ppl are wondering why i took so long to get back to my blog. miss me blog but sigh todays post is just a distraction from Serway. Wednesday, July 27, 2005.
Les 2 stylées et nos amis dylan,bilal,youssef ect. Nos amis dechir comme nous lol non sen dekaner avec eux on. Se mart tro bin! Bisous a tous et bonne visite. Merci davance pour les comentaire. On vous ador ttt bisous les mec il se reconetron.