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Little did I know, that when I titled this blog Letting go, and holding on, I would be talking about the blog itself. I have come to a point where I need some changes. If you know me, this is no surprise. But I hope that you will follow me here, to The Road Less Traveled.
Eating is disgusting in my eyes. Fucking caloried as fuck food at that. I keep tryign to purge it but the fucking stuff has gone through the band. So Obviously having an ED.
Wednesday, 8 August 2012. She is happy, sunny and well nourished. She has even had a go at track cycling now and may take that up seriously. Wednesday, 28 March 2012. Okay, if you are morbidly obese then you ought to address your lifes.
Danced till my feet hurt. As my first style tip, I shall declare that eating disorders are out and dark chocolate is in. My new signature for posts,.
Coconut Creek, FL 33073. I had my intake call on thursday,.
Among The Garbage And The Flowers.
Health and happiness come hand and hand. Okay so some of us are off for break now? I know im pretty excited. Oats with gluten free chocolate cookies swimming in pools of pb. I have no idea what salad i should make to go with it though.
Ladies and Gentlemen and Flamboyant Gentlemen, Boys and Girls of All Ages, welcome to my Humble Blog. Suck It or Love It. But Mostly Love it! June 25, 2012. Caffee Machiatto with Milk- Sweet Love.
Trying to achieve and maintain a balance is difficult. Say no to one way, try to go another and then say no to that way and yes to the other. Finding balance is a constant effort. I think the key is organization, which is new to me.
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Hello, this is the personal website of Israel Herraiz.
El casco y el herraje. Como embridar a un caballo. Como ensillar a un caballo. Como llevar al caballo de la mano. Ayuda de las piernas en la doma. Premios y castigos en la doma.
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