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Monday, September 15, 2014. Oh, blessed is the summer sun. Sunday, August 24, 2014. Good God, what is the truth? The truth is that really is. What we see with the naked eye and what we hear with our ears is not necessarily the truth. There are illutions all around us. Our sight is often blinded and our ears are often blocked. We sometimes see and sometimes hear what we want to see and hear, what suits us to see and hear each time. We often forget to seek the truth! In Jesus name, Amen.
Monday, September 15, 2014. Ó blessuð vertu sumarsól, söng ljóðskáldið okkar Páll Ólafsson. Sólin gefur okkur líf; geislar hennar hita okkur svo við getum lifað. Ljós hennar getur okkur ljós! Sólin gefur okkur gleði. Gleði ríkir þar sem sólin skín! Sólin er blessun Guðs til að gefa okkur líf, ljós og gleði. Sunday, August 24, 2014. Góði Guð hver er sannleikurinn. Góð Guð hver er sannleikurinn? Sannleikurinn er það sem raunverulega er. Því mundu að það er .
Tuesday, October 9, 2012.
Hægt er að nota H-in fimm í öllum mögulegum tilvikum til að skilgreina verkefni okkar.
Monday, September 15, 2014. Oh, blessed is the summer sun. Sunday, August 24, 2014. Good God, what is the truth? The truth is that really is. What we see with the naked eye and what we hear with our ears is not necessarily the truth. There are illutions all around us. Our sight is often blinded and our ears are often blocked. We sometimes see and sometimes hear what we want to see and hear, what suits us to see and hear each time. We often forget to seek the truth! In Jesus name, Amen.
Monday, September 15, 2014. Ó blessuð vertu sumarsól, söng ljóðskáldið okkar Páll Ólafsson. Sólin gefur okkur líf; geislar hennar hita okkur svo við getum lifað. Ljós hennar getur okkur ljós! Sólin gefur okkur gleði. Gleði ríkir þar sem sólin skín! Sólin er blessun Guðs til að gefa okkur líf, ljós og gleði. Sunday, August 24, 2014. Góði Guð hver er sannleikurinn. Góð Guð hver er sannleikurinn? Sannleikurinn er það sem raunverulega er. Því mundu að það er .
Tuesday, August 11, 2015. About a month ago our friends Niki and Marcus invited Charlie and I to accompany them on a day fishing trip with their friend Bob. We of course took them up on the invitation! We met at the harbor and embarked on our day trip.