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My adventures in motherhood, marriage, womanhood and life. BY SMALL AND SIMPLE THINGS ARE GREAT THINGS BROUGHT TO PASS. Sunday, May 12, 2013. I found photos from a few recent events to share. Baby Animal Days Field Trip. Sunday, March 17, 2013. We had a fun weekend in Pocatello, Idaho at the Idaho State Championships clogging competition. Very late nights at the competition, but fun times with friends. She is on the end on the right.
Tuesday, May 8, 2012. New Leaders and A Changes. We are soooooooooo excited to welcome the Burrells to our pack! They are our new Webelos Leaders. Yippee! I am doing my happy dance right now. Tuesday, April 10, 2012. I enjoy spending time with your sons in Cub Scouts.
Ola un petit sky de mes copain de delire. Jespere ke vous aller amer et metter des coms. T tro sympa on se marre tro ensemble. Et ui je t connu au cour de moral vive les super momenS. Et les delire avec ty morgane elo rob1 and alex . Tu me manke enorme je tro envie de te revoir un de c 4. Je v essayr de passer a max pour vou revoir. Kisss ma ptit deconneuse je tad forrrrrrrrrrr.
Dimecres, 10 de juny de 2015. Els del partit Podemos tenen el seu propi nom com a paraula més freqüent, amb 40 mencions en els cinc textos.
Ser un pèl escèptic no vol dir no admirar la labor dels científics.
Martes, 25 de marzo de 2014. Nos narra la evolución de texto en papel al hipertexto e incide en la idea que los vínculos ya no solo unen conocimientos e ideas, sino que conectan personas. Miércoles, 12 de marzo de 2014.